Minor Correction Detail
Our most frequently booked service, our Minor Correction Detail -
Whats included -
Multi-stage Safe Wash
Decontamination - Iron, Tar & Clay Bar
Contactless Drying Process
Paint Check
Machine Polish
Finished with a coating if required.
The Detail -
After varying levels of preparation (multi-stage safe wash, decontamination, contactless drying) normally taking between 2-4 hours, we completed a thorough paint check and masking up areas of the vehicle. We do this after the vehicle has been prepped as you will be surprised what can be hidden, therefore we complete our checks after the vehicle prep, in our detailing bay in the correction environment.
We then proceed to machine polishing, there is no set rule of thumb with how many stages this service includes. We use our experience to ensure you get the most from the service.
A general rule is that your will see up to 60-70% paint correction, removing lighter swirls and scratches, however every vehicles paint is different, therefore we have experienced more that 50% in the past.
This is by far our best selling service, correcting swirls and scratches whilst adding a beautiful gloss and depth back to the paint of your vehicle.
As a rule of thumb, you vehicle will be required for approximately 2 days.
95% of our clients finish this with a ceramic coating.
Pricing from £575
(Pricing is based on vehicle size/complexity)
Please contact us by click below for a quotation -